Wreaths Across America Saturday at Stones River National Battlefield

WGNS Radio (www.wgnsradio.com, 1450AM, 101.9FM) December 11, 2015


Wreaths Across America honors our fallen Military hero’s by placing a simple wreath at the grave of a Veteran in remembrance of their service to the Nation. Over 600,000 Wreaths are placed each year at 900 national cemeteries.

On Saturday at 12pm, 650 wreaths will be placed at Stones River Battlefield National Cemetery. The public is invited to participate in this ceremony. Attendees will be invited to place a wreath in honor of those veterans who have passed before us.

The mission of Wreaths Across America is to honor and to teach about the sacrifice our veterans made for the freedom we share.

Again, the local wreath ceremony at Stones River National Cemetary will be Saturday at 12pm and you’re invited!